These topics were highlighted at the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024

Swiss Cyber Security Days (SCSD) is Switzerland’s leading dialogue and knowledge platform in the field of cyber security. Attacks from cyber space are one of today’s greatest threats to global stability and threaten all areas of modern life. Les SCSD en ont tenu compte le long du slogan "Shaping Cyber Resilience" et ont proposé une offre variée d'exposés de haut niveau, d'ateliers, de discussions de panels ainsi qu'un grand nombre d'exposants du secteur de la sécurité.

Below you will find a selection of topics that were discussed at the Swiss Cyber Security Days 2024:



Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zürich,
talk about the spheres of influence of artificial intelligence on university research.

Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli from the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP)
takes us on a journey into the fascinating world of emerging technologies, visualizing the opportunities and threats for humanity.

17-year-old Chilean, Elisa Torres, from "Girls in Quantum"
enlightens us about the enormous potential of quantum computing and its impact.

Switzerland's SMEs and municipalities are highly exposed to cyber-attacks:
Our expert led workshop sessions will demonstrate how they can successfully protect themselves, even with limited resources.

The think tank "Pour Demain" will present the inaugural "AI Safety Prize,"
providing updates on the current state of AI system development and highlighting socially relevant security vulnerabilities.



Over the course of two days, there were numerous rousing and inspiring presentations by renowned experts who shed light on the social, economic and military dimensions of cyber security and visualised possible solutions. The entire programme can be found here.